Q. Personality Development has been around for years. It has served us well. However, is it a SOLUTION in itself? How effective is it actually & what are we missing?

Now, let’s look at success from the personality development aspect.

Personality development – when we say PERSONALITY, if you break that up, you will see it is derived from the word person. If you look closely, a very important & large aspect of the person is his or he FORM.

This is a largely ignored aspect. A very important but rarely discussed aspect, Yes, the physicality. Tall, short, fat, thin, dark, fair, big eyes, small eyes, big hands, small hands, big ears, small ears……..all of these create some perception about you on the opposite person ;Positive or negative.

We look at life in comparison, and we assign a VALUE, high, low or medium to everything around us.

If success is defined by what people NOTICE, then we must ask what is it that they are NOTICING in entirety & how are they arriving at a judgment?

Look at how you form these opinions:

You look first at:

  1. The form, the physicality
  2. The appearance, the clothes, accessories, watches, shoes
  3. The body-language –posture, facial expression

You then quickly in your mind decide & assume many things like how wealthy they are, how experienced they are, are they good people.

Success is hugely based on what value one sub-consciously assigns to you & it is hugely based on this outward perception of the form.

Most successful people- look around you –have bridged this inside-outside gap beautifully. And a lot of skilled, hardworking people are still fighting the perception battle.

If you do not take into account this dimension of the VALUE of what perception the outside is creating , you could actually be good, loving, caring, skilled, knowledgeable but the other person may not perceive you as that & hence absolute Success in whatever you are aiming for will delude you.

You simply cannot ignore the person, the very form, the visual which creates this initial perception.

The Key here is – If you are going in for a Personality Development class, what you are sub-consciously believing is that developing your Personality in some manner will ensure SUCCESS. Your assessment is partially true but not fully true;

  • Like we had discussed earlier SUCCESS is a combination; it is when you become an OVERALL VALUE creator, you are perceived as SUCCESSFUL. Personality Development is one rung in that ladder.
  • It is not the ladder & even the ladder ONLY is a medium in-itself. This a common misunderstanding often confusing tools with the SOLUTION.
  • If you do choose to take the route of Personality Development, like we had mentioned earlier, your Personality is very closely linked with your FORM, your physical body type. People first notice that; they notice your clothing & grooming in combination with a certain Body language. It is this Perception that sets the ball rolling.

Do consider if you can be helped keeping the other parameters in mind if you want Personality Development to take shape as a serious VALUE CREATOR and a very good TOOL towards your actual journey, one of SUCCESS, in whatever you desire.

We at Imageine consulting, introspect & sub-consciously look at the OUTSIDE, create perception & bridge to your inner qualities of determination, focus, intensity, integrity and this harmony, this synergy is what will eventually Enhance your Value perception & open the lock to Success.


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