5 Things people notice first when they look at YOU.
- By Imageine Consulting
- In Blog

From the moment we wake & our eyes open-
Eyes open means, the visual apparatus functioning. You see, you visualize, a message goes to the brain & it then uses its sense of discrimination & it perceives.
It perceives, it does not look at anything in its truth or in absolute. On the other hand, it discriminates, which leads to a judgment or many & then it seeks validation & attaches a sub-conscious VALUE to everything it NOTICES,
This is exactly what happens to you when you LOOK at someone & it is the same when you are looked at by someone:
- They are sub-consciously checking for AUTHENTICITY but they judge on the OUTSIDE
There are 2 sides to everybody. The inside where your qualities, skills, sense of duty, diligence, integrity & all those characteristics reside, which are not known to the outside world. Our mind constantly wants to decide & arrive at conclusions one way or the other and it has no other basis but to judge you on the OUTSIDE.
- Hence both the inside & outside has VALUE but initially your OUTSIDE has more VALUE initially as it acts as the gateway or a representation to what the INSIDE might or might not be.
- OUTSIDE is nothing but your Appearance
Imagine your-self looking at someone. What do you look at?
Their physical body type- short, tall. Big hands or small? Eyes, hair, skin colour etc. What are they communicating to you?
- The PHYSICAL FORM has a bigger impact on overall Communication & creates a perception which triggers a judgment.
- You then look at Their CLOTHING & How it COMMUNICATES. You also look at their grooming.
You see styles, colours, formal, casual etc. You also look at their accessories –shoes, eye wear if any, earrings, necklaces, duppatas, scarves (depending on who you are looking at-man or woman).
Also Read…You’ve heard of a ‘Make over’. presenting to you a more wholistic, effective & in depth solution ’ Thought Over’- An insightful Makeover
- Based on the combination physical body type & the Clothing, grooming & accessories they ASSUME the INSIDE.
Yes that’s true. Based on what judgment they have made of say your height, your weight, your big or small hands in combination with colour, texture of your clothes, your accessories, polished shoes or unpolished shoes. The quality of fabric, the colour combinations used and other such factors.
Based on this, they assume if you are competent, trustworthy or otherwise . They also assume if you are reliable, friendly, intimidating or otherwise. Skilled or not, hold a particular position or not. They ASSUME & decide a whole lot about you.
Is it all true?
Well, not really. You may be holding an important position on an organization but people have a perception based on appearance. Do you look the part or otherwise?
- Your Appearance hence holds great VALUE & enhancing it pays you back with greater RETURNS
Also Read: LIFE CHANGING: What is enhanced Value perception? How it is LIFE changing?
Also Read…You’ve heard of a ‘Make over’. Presenting to you a more wholistic, effective & in-depth solution the Image’ Thought Over’.
Let’s understand how this works.
- Your facial expressions –smile, frown, glint in the eye is NOTICED.
- Your body posture –how you stand, your balance, what is it Communicating?
- Your gestures– the way you move your hands –what does it convey?
NON-VERBAL Communication: Body language in combination with appearance is a whopping 55% of COMMUNICATION.
- YOU COMMUNICATE even when you don’t speak. You cannot NOT Communicate. Every- thing you do has some subtle Communication attached to it.
Both these decide a lot about you especially when people FIRST look at you.
Also read…What is Communication? (NFAQ)/blog
- Are you presenting your-self or projecting your-self in sync with what you want to achieve?
- Is your appearance working for you?
- Is your skill & expertise great but your clothing, not enhancing you?
- Are you loosing over-all VALUE because of all of the above?
If yes, get in touch…we’d love to help.
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