What is EVP?
- By Imageine Consulting
- In Blog

Our MIND is DISCRIMINATORY by NATURE; it judges everything. It judges one situation in one way and another quite differently.
It is this full on glorification of what we consider to be pleasant and the rejection of what we deem as unpleasant, the convenient selection & interpretation of events & situations, is due to the compulsive judgment of the mind leading to understanding & interpreting everything in comparison.
Turning point:
If we judge situations, we also judge people, we judge propositions, we judge just about everything around us, with or without realizing it we assign a sub-conscious VALUE to everything that comes under the purview of our sub-conscious discrimination.
What is VALUE?
Value is what one person is looking to get from another person, proposition, transaction, interaction or an engagement. Basically in all spheres- personal, professional & social.
- Because VALUE is gauged first and only then does one want to take anything further.
- VALUE is perceived. It is not viewed in terms of an absolute. It is based on comparison as VALUE about anything ranging from his choice of shampoo to the choice of location for property purchase, is eventually decided in an individual’s mind.
Factors ranging from deepening associations to being perceived as mediocre, better or best and establishing if your pricing works etc are come in later. The opposite party looks for VALUE first. VALUE before price.
A classic coffee shop example that will explain how VALUE works:
You have two coffee shops down the road.
Coffee Shop A has its basic Cafe latte priced at Rs 120/- and Coffee shop B is priced at Rs. 210/-.
Scenario :
You frequent coffee shop B more than Coffee Shop A.
Why do you do that?
- Simply because the promoters of Coffee Shop B have understood how VALUE works.
- A fairly lip-smacking cup of coffee at least 60-70% if not 100% can be made at home at maximum of Rs 10/- as compared to Rs 210/- (price at coffee shop B)
- The promoters of coffee shop B know this all too well. The coffee is just the excuse, a coffee shop isn’t about the coffee-it is, but you go there for so much more.
This is the crux- What is this more? If we were to introspect & understand this in its every detail & nuance, you have what we call VALUE CREATORS.
Let’s list them down:
- Ambience –thematic/quirky/classical
- Seating
- Ambient Aroma
- The social demographics of the other clients –aspirational, inviting, you fit right in ietc
- The service –what kind of staff, their manner of service –I it line with their theme? Most importantly they don’t let you feel the cultural lag between you & them.
- The conversation around the outlet or the brand if it is a brand.
- The conversation that you had heard around the brand/outlet before it came to our country (if it was an international Brand). You were pretty sold back then it-self.
- Your peers, social set, office colleagues also endorse it. I’m assuming their opinion counts.
- It identifies with your sense of self, your space, your place in life, your social ego etc.
- Etc etc & etc
The above 10 are a few and will make for an even longer list if we kept at it. These are VALUE CREATORS.
In short, the above 10 factors and the Coffee Shop has created VALUE of a certain kind.
We haven’t even mentioned the coffee yet. Surprising!! After all it is still a “Coffee Shop”J.
Now you are willing to spend Rs 210/-, a whooping 21 times more for this as compared to your home-made coffee.
Arguably, there is a quality difference. But the point is, is the quality of superiority 21 times more for you to be willing to pay 21x the price?
Logic Says, NOT!!
At best- The quality & let’s add taste could be 2x or 3x or let’s be generous and say to 5x on the highest side but not 21x.
AND YET…you are willing to pay 21x…
WHY does this happen?
- Because the brand/Coffee Shop by the above mention 10 Value Creators and many other nuanced lesser known aspects has created a VALUE in your mind so powerful, that PRICE is no longer a consideration under reasonable limits.
- It is interesting to note that you may be willing to go up to say Rs 280-290/- but will not see VALUE, however powerful after that price point but at Rs 210/-, you see it as fair game, even at 21x times the price of your home made coffee.
In Contrast:
Now, just 30 meters down the road is a small coffee stall who makes great coffee. In your heart of hearts you love the taste of this coffee- it is a touch better than the coffee shop too. Your upper limit there is Rs 21/-(in fact you kicked up a minor fuss when they raised the price from Rs 21/ to Rs 30/-).
Rs 21/- is 10 times less the price.
The 10 Value creators are more or less missing. This stall is not ASPIRATIONAL or in sync with your identity. When VALUE CREATION is linear or almost absent, you are much more aware of the price.
This is exactly how we view people. People who sub-consciously know how to be value-creators are perceived at one level &others at another.Just like it is not only about the coffee, you are never only a chartered accountant, a salesman, a marketing professional, an artist, a business man, a boss etc. You either are a VALUE PROPOSITION or not.
Now depending how aware you are of VALUE Creation, you will accordingly work towards creating VALUE or NOT.
WHAT is ENHANCED VALUE PERCEPTION & how does can change your life?
Millions of people who have the necessary skills, knowledge, experience and are honest, focussed, hard-working & diligent are not tasting the kind of Success like they ought to, simply because they have never been taught to:
- see them-selves as VALUE- creators
- Wake up to the fact that people around them are sub-consciously perceiving them and are pegging them at one kind of VALUE or another.
They bank on their skills and their INTERNAL qualities where as people FIRST notice the OUTSIDE. They make judgments based FIRST.
These same people not having understood this & then not having worked correctly on this aspect end up being perceived on a lower VALUE than they ought to be, thereby missing out on the quantum of Success that should actually be rightfully theirs.
Success has a very intimate relationship with VALUE. Success can only happen when at least one other person other than you believes you are SUCCESSFUL.
An employee cannot be successful if his boss & to an extent his colleagues think so.
A teacher cannot be successful unless the students believe she is good & the parents have faith in her.
Similar for an actor, doctor etc. This holds true for your personal & social life as well.
This works the same for you. Are you mistaking only, skill, knowledge, intelligence, hard-work etc to be the only VALUE creators?
If, yes, then there is an entire dimension that will be missing. It will impact how you are perceived in terms of VALUE.
Very simply put, if people are looking at you in terms of VALUE & this VALUE is not in absolute & just in the case of the Coffee Shops, it is perceived in terms of comparison/judgment, then it makes great sense to understand what these VALUE CREATORS are specifically in your situation & ENHANCE THEM.
And, hence presenting to you ENHANCED VALUE PERCEPTION (EVP)
It takes care of the bigger picture but more importantly it addresses the lesser known, subtle, often missed nuanced ‘smaller picture’.
So what is it that you are missing?
This is what is addressed by highly customized Enhanced Value Perception sessions.
EVP changed lives -Testimonials
“I was extremely scared at first as what I was undertaking was HUGE comared to what I had done till date with my life. It needed for me to became an ace-communicator. I almost decided to give up until Kurush from Imageine introduced me to his highly evolved program Enhanced Value perception (EVp). He made me realize that what I was imagining as change was just the starting point. I went looking for an Image Consultant, I got so much more. He mixes craft with a personal touch and today 10 sessions later, I have videos with, web-site, social media presence with over a million followers. It all began with my association from there. I have a tag line in my business ‘Think better, choose Best’. I did that by choosing the best. You do the same (smile)”
Dr. Ashok Sinha
Director- Rejoice HairTransplant Clinic
About Dr. Sinha:
More Success Stories | I want to consult you
”I was pretty good at what I did but somewhere I felt I was lacking on the appearance front. I had slightly neglected it & felt the need for a ‘Make Over. Kurush was highly recommended & I decided to consult him. He made me understand that was needed was ‘Thought Over’ more than a ‘make over’. As in, you cannot just style your-self and expect changes. He made me realize how my appearance was definitely a perception creator or breaker but how we also addressed the situational awareness, body language & even certain behavioural traits . I went looking to enhance my appearance & I ended up with Enhancing overall VALUE t. I humbly request anyone looking only for a ‘make over’ please consider Kurush’s ‘Thought Over- An Insightful Make-Over program’. And he customizes to the tee.”
Nemisha Ghia
General Manager Operations-Last Mile,Amazon Technologies Inc.
More Success Stories | One-on-One Consulting
We provide a wide range of Customized EVP Solutions to:
- Individuals from all walks of life through a one-on-one Consulting process.
- Corporations & other organizations –Enhancing both Brand & Personnel Value especially in Customer Service& Sales roles.
- Open work-shops
- Specialized Content Writing
We use VALUE to arrive at decisions:
You name it:
- Date
- Interview
- Promotion
- Holiday destination
- Financial decisions—which share? Which mutual fund?
- Which field to take up?
- Who to consult? Which interior designer would be better for YOUR situation?
- Which shampoo to buy?
- Which doctor is better for my mother?
- Which hospital to treat your dad?
- Which banquet hall for your wedding?
- Which school to send your child?
- Who to marry? In an arranged marriage multiple choice formatJ.
- Allopathy or Homeopathy?
- Almost every walk of life –you see VALUE first & then price.
These decisions are based on perception not on TRUTH for it is impossible for a mind constantly comparing to arrive at an absolute. There are a whole range of VALUES that you are sub-consciously running through your mind in an attempt to arrive at decisions like the above.
Stake-holders in your life do much the same when it comes to making a decision about you.
Don’t wait. VALUE is crucial. Enhance it NOW!! Get on top!!.
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