WHY is this more an INVESTMENT & less of a COST?

If this was a factory & we made one size fits all kind of products, I could very easily give you a uniform price.

We cannot treat people like commodities. It simply won’t work .Here we create an asset for you that if you keep honing, working on & pay some attention to you, it becomes an INVESTMENT.

An INVESTMENT that will pay you back at least double of what you invested for & atleast 5 times of what you paid for in the longer run.

As I had never experienced such a personalized session earlier, I thought it to be expensive at first. But when I actually experienced the quality, the home-work the consultant did before every session, the level of personalization & mostly the obsession he had with actually getting the desired result, I clearly saw the Value and then the price totally justifies

Siddharth Tilwankar

Honestly, it seemed out of my price range at first & I almost did not consider it but Kurush persisted and assured me of the value. It dawned on me that a car & the house one lives in is an expense. Apart from financial investments, I had to make some self-improvement investments for my-self as well if I wanted growth. It was time to finally take a leap & I am glad I did so. The value exceeds the price & stays with you. Indeed an Investment!

Suresh Aiyer


You Experience “YOU turn”– In an effort to optimize your investment & send your VALUE for INVESTMENT sky-rocketing, we offer you a recommend on experience opportunity with attractive returns. To know more, please Get in Touch with us

How we arrive at HOW much you INVEST?

Every person is different & we will require a different approach, understanding & carefully create a solution. We are big on Customization. This means:

Transformation does not happen with any one aspect. It works on understanding what are the VALUE Creators, both inside & outside.
Depending on where you are CURRENTLY & where you need to go& beyond, that is the journey we are covering. This process will require a degree of skill, sophistication & a nuanced approach.
Me going back to the drawing board & creating sessions that are street smart, have great relevance with both, your current life & where you wish to be in the future.

Your investment will be decided post a thorough need analysis & discussion.

Be rest assured, true to our concept, we will ensure you get far far more VALUE than what you pay for. This is a promise you can hold me to!!

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