Q. SUCCESS can be yours if you truly understand how it WORKS. Are you a victim of this kind of thinking?
- Giving love but goes un-recognized.
- High on Skill YET FAILING at LIFE.
- You are a doting mother, a loving wife, dutiful & devoted then why are people that matter not understanding this and why are they not able to appreciate it?
- You are well educated, high on skill, understand your job well, why are you still failing?
The first is a personal situation, the second a professional but the lack of in both is for a similar reason.
Chances are both A & B have a fundamental misunderstanding on how SUCCESS actually works.
Let’s take case A:
How do you know someone is LOVING? How do you they DOTE on you?
You actually DO NOT know. You are convinced you know only because you sense it or perceive it on something they are giving out on the OUTSIDE. You see something about their body language, their eyes, their gestures & actions they perform. They are now either warm & loving or cold and indifferent or the shades in between.
Am I right?
So, the FACT is you really DO NOT know. You DO NOT as yet possess the ability to go into their minds & hearts but you sure JUDGE,PERCEIVE & come to some conclusion from their OUTSIDE appearance, behavior, demeanour etc.
So your INTENTION maybe loving, doting etc but are you aware of what your body, your actions & your persona are COMMUNICATING? Is it in sync with your intention?
Secondly, your idea of the ACT of loving maybe very different from that of your ‘objects of affection’; they might be perceiving your love as possessive, overbearing or your actions may simply not be connecting with them.
SUCCESS in any area of life needs you to create the right VALUE, one that makes the situation work. You first understand it & then use the right COMMUNICATION to do the same.
Similar for Case B; skill & knowledge can take you only that far; SUCCESS means other people buying into you as a VALUE PROPOSITION. Chances are you are not using the right kind of COMMUNICATION. Your appearance, how you dress & groom may not be appropriate for your position in life. It could be several factors.
OTHERS notice what you give out & ASSUME qualities like skill, qualification, maturity, culture, intelligence, trustworthiness etc.
SUCCESS is over-all. You may believe you are anything but the opposite party has to FEEL it, has to enjoy it & then there is a sync. Else it is only in your mind.
SUCCESS can be yours if you truly understand how it WORKS. Are you a victim of this kind of thinking?
Are you missing out because of lack of perception of an OVERALL VALUE you are not giving out?
Are you missing out because of your lack of Situational Awareness?
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