05 Jul


“If you do not have skill, required knowledge, it is still understandable to have NOT tasted success.
But if you do have them & are yet struggling to be successful, that is a crime”

Why does this happen?

We have always viewed success from our myopic prism of what we’ve been always told by parents, teachers, advisors, well-wishers etc.
We believe success is ONLY about how skilled we are, how educated we are, how caring, how loving, caring & generous we are in personal & social situations, how determined, how focused, how hardworking we believe we are, in a professional scenario.
Yes, let me say, all of the above are definitely required if we are to taste success in any form but we generally completely miss or do not pay attention to a very important aspect.
 Success largely works on perception.
 Perception is created by how someone is viewing you.
 It creates a VALUE or a positioning about you in their minds.
In the past, I’m sure we’ve all decided how successful someone is based simply based on their appearance- what they are wearing, their body language, and their physicality- we judge visually & then assume what is INSIDE – Is this not so?
This perception is nothing but a sub-conscious VALUE people are attaching to you just by looking at you.
For success to happen two things need to happen:
– You need to create sufficient Initial perception – in your initial few instances of contact
– Maintain or keep enhancing your sustained perception – as people around you get more familiar with you.
You have to first pass muster on the perception front & then some decision will be made on aspects like how determined or how knowledgeable you are, how skilled, how intelligent, how responsible you are etc.
V.imp: It is not written on your forehead and trust me most people will ASSUME most of the above about YOU based on simply:
a. Your Physicality- tall/short, big hands/small hands, long hair/short hair (style), skin colour basically your general look and many other physical aspects about you.
b. Your Clothing Style and choice of accessories –Your clothes & your accessories COMMUNICATE. They constitute a huge component of your Non-Verbal Communication.
c. Your Body language – Your smile, your look, your ability to give attention, your posture, your gesturing, -Your overall VIBE.
Plug- Read more- (we take this to a blog like page) -5 things that people notice when they FIRST NOTICE see you.
Plug –MUST TRY: Interactive e-book- ‘HOW SUCCESS WORKS’ worth Rs. 1,249/- coming to you here at NO INVESTMENT!!
Yes, these are crucial. For people can only judge, rightly or wrongly by what they VISUALLY NOTICE & what they make out- perceive of what they see. They will ASSUME you to either have success-worthy qualities or otherwise based on this.
This is both good news and bad.
Bad because this is the way it is and the good is you can actually use this understanding and create a harmonious inside by working on the inner-aspects & the outer and enhance that perceived Value that you are giving out.
Plug –MUST TRY: e-book- ‘HOW SUCCESS WORKS’ worth Rs. 1,249/- coming to you here at NO INVESTMENT!!

In Conclusion:
It is that simple. If we want to be successful, instead of only trying to hone skill & keep sharpening our intentions to be loving, caring etc, should we not be creating perception so that we first look the part- it is only when the cover is interesting, do people want to open the inside pages, is it not?

Success Stories  | 4key Questions