“Answers to questions, you haven’t even thought of asking”

You have heard of FAQ, right? ; Frequently Asked Questions.

However, if you look closely, most of life’s answers lie in what I call NFAQ or Not So Frequently asked questions.

Let me take it one step further:
In all my years of Solution Providing, I have realized that whatever is at hand that needs solving, it works best if we first breaking it up into smaller parts and then carefully  put them all together to try & achieve the HIGHEST VALUE.

  • This is just an aspect on which NFAQ came about but it is a good place to start; introspect, anticipate, do not mistake sub-sets or mediums to be ENTIRE SOLUTIONS.
  • Life is a series of situations which need a degree of Situational Awareness & more than just a modicum of street smartness.
  • The ‘what is’ or what we’d like to believe is mostly established within us. It is the ‘What it actually is’ & ‘what it is not’ that makes the difference.
  • Solution providers are innovationists by nature – looking at nuances, never missing the smaller picture & logically building up to a solution- the biggest picture in order to get maximum yield in any situation.

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NFAQ with its series of lesser asked or not thought of aspects aims to achieve. It cuts through the obvious to take you to that last mile which will make the difference. If you want answers to lesser known but LIFE CHANGING aspects —–CLICK HERE

It practically epitomizes the Enhanced VALUE perception concept for VALUE or perceived VALUE is what we look for in everything. That’s how decisions are made. More often than not, it is the nuances, subtleties, the roads less travelled & just the coming together of missing links –the FINE BLEND that can enhance you drastically.

“Simple & Simplistic aren’t the same thing – to arrive at the purity of simplicity, you have to slice through the complex & at times the complicated.”

NFAQ attempts to do just that.

Change is usually a very nuanced, sub-textual & subtle aspect that no school, book or text book can teach you. It is experiential – it works by understanding things better, in greater detail & not just covering the basics.

NFAQ deals with that nuanced dimension –lesser discussed but where the game changes. It is that narrow bridge. We try and raise questions you haven’t yet asked or thought off but those which can be more pertinent & can actually make the REAL difference.

Enhanced Value Perception (EVP) is a highly evolved concept that has carefully integrated VALUE creating aspects that will VISIBLY & TANGIABLY work on both transforming you on the outside & inside, very specific to your current situation.

“Can you help me with grooming better?

“I want to look smarter, more Professional. Can you help?”

“I want to do Personality development. Do you have a course?”

“I am not disciplined enough. Whatever I try I fail. How to change?”

“I want to boost my confidence. I want to go ahead in life. How?”

& Off- late:

“I want an Image makeover. Are you qualified to do that for me?”

Click Here For Answers To Some NFAQ’s

These are some questions, I frequently get asked during the first meeting with a client.

We can categorize the above as typical Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ’s.

On the face of it, these are very valid and legitimate questions but:

Will any of these in isolation truly help?

All of the above are SPECIFIC examples & chances are, people wanting enhancement or help are actually wanting to be SUCCESSFUL. They believe that better grooming, personality, soft Skill etc alone will get them there.

All of the above are valid & have a standing on their own but are mistakenly assumed to be the highest VALUE creators. However, if you look carefully, they are just stepping stones or mediums or part of the Problem.

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Yes, it is great to look Professional. But will only looking professional solve your problem? Yes looking professional will help you create some perception but what is your real purpose? What is the dominating, core, pressing reason? There always is –you will realize your REAL reason is deeper than the surface reason.

There are no short cuts to Success & hence NFAQ has a few detailed, well thought of, lesser known, lesser asked but absolutely critical questions.

Typical NFAQ style questions would be:

  1. Are you saying I cannot succeed in life unless there is VALUE in how I am perceived?
  2. People are looking for SOLUTIONS –whether they know it or not, they end up buying only SOLUTIONS. Are you a SOLUTION or you always sub-consciously portraying your-self as a small part of the SOLUTION?
  3. Why do people ask for soft-skills training? Is it a SOLUTION? Will only soft-skills help or do you need more?
  4. Do you know HOW communication ACTUALLY works? The understanding & the wide arc of COMMUNICATION and its many nuances can change the way you are perceived and open the DOOR to SUCCESS. Find out more…
  5. And many many more. We will keep adding to our existing list.

Click here to enter the world of the life changing Not so frequently asked questions (NFAQ) & begin viewing your-self & the HOW SUCCESS ACTUALLY works in a different light.

Enjoy the ride!! Get answers to questions you haven’t even thought of or asked.

DON’T forget to download Success e-book worth ₹1299/-for you to experience at NO INVESTMENT!!